Monday, November 1, 2010

The Treatment

Reading Assignment for May 2nd-6th: Ch. 9-15

What are the advantages and disadvantages of receiving The Treatment (page 21)? Why do you think the boys seek it out? Remember to provide evidence for your thinking.

Your comment should include:

First Name and Student #

- A shared inquiry response that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Evidence from the book.


  1. Cassidy #27
    The reason why the boys seek The Treatment is because they receive a bucket full of joy, like they just earned a medal. Birthdays are special and The Treatment is a present to the boys despite the pain. Also, on page 24, Beans and Mutto cheered on the first hit, so when the beating was over Palmer's friends would appreciate him.
    The advantages are the joy and attention
    from other people from getting The Treatment. Think about it this way. When a kid gets a shot or a blood test, the parent likes to award the kid with a treat or maybe a new toy. So Palmer should get awarded too.
    The disadvantages are the screaming pain on your arm. On page 23 and 24, the narrator describes how horrible the pain is. The treatment must be horrible because on page 22 Farquar has a very serious conversation with Palmer about doing The Treatment. I'm glad that I don't have to take The Treatment.
    That is what I think the advantages and
    disadvantages are.

  2. Francine #26A
    I think the reason why the boys like the treatment is because Palmer's friends will appreciate him even more. Palmer looks and feels tougher as he shows off the wound he had gotten from the treatment to the kids around the neighborhood (throughout ch. 7 or 8). I agree with Cassidy because on pg. 24, Beans and Mutto cheered for Palmer on the first hit.

    I think some of the disadvantages about the treatment is the wound and the pain on your arm. Like on pg. 23-24, the narrator describes how the pain hurts so much and how Farquar does the treatment.

  3. Geoffrey #15A
    The boys seek out the treatment because it is the ultimate honor. (pg. 21) The boys felt they would get respect from the other kids and have a sense of pride for themselves. (pg. 22)

    The advantages for getting the treatment is that Palmer gets noticed by the other children. He feels like he is the grand marshall in a parade because of all the attention he gets. (pg. 33)

    The disadvantages are that Palmer gets a big bruise on his left arm by Farquar. (pgs. 23,24,25) He couldn't lift his hand for three days because it hurt so much. (pg. 33)

  4. Trevor #23a

    The advantages of getting the treatment is that not all kids get it because on page 21 it says, "Some birthday boys he seemed to totally ignore". Also he gets all these little kids to look at it. (pg. 33-44) I agree with Francine when she said that he feels tougher as he shows off the wound. It is true.

    The disadvantages are that the Dorothy girl is ignoring him. Also he gets a big bruise that doesn't go away for about a week. His left arm is numb and he can barely move it at first, but then it heals. Also he says, "He was almost sorry he was healing". (pg. 33)

  5. Eric #25A

    The disadvantage of getting the treatment is that it is very painful.We know it is very painful because Palmer is going to cry but he doesn't because he knows he will get more punches to the arm (pg.25).You also can tell that it hurts because on page 25 it says Palmer bit his lips and screamed in his head.

    The advantages are that on pages 21-22 it says "But there was another side to it. There was the honor. There was the respect you got from other kids, the kind of respect that comes to soldiers who survive great battles." Also, another advantage is that Palmer felt like his dad just pinned a metal on him after his dad saw his arm and knew what happened to him (pg.26).

  6. Michael 9A
    The disadvantages are that Palmer gets bruises from Farquar and is humiliated in from of his friends on page 23.

    The advantages are that if he takes the "punches" Palmer's friends will be enlightened by his courage. Also, his bruises become badges of honor that are displayed on his left arm.

    The boys seek it out because they would rather seem something happen to someone else rather that their selves. For example, would you rather watch a person scream on a roller coaster or see yourself scream on a roller coaster?

  7. Calli G. 15L

    The advantage is that you get to say you got punched9 times, and sound really brave and cool. Even though it hurts. The disadvantages is that it hurts and you have to get it every year. Also more punches each year which stinks. I think that the boys seek so much cause it makes them look all cool. I think it shows that Palmers brave on page #26 through 27 when hes dad was like the treatment, and hes all yeah.

  8. Abby O. 22L
    I think that one of the advantages that you would get from the treatment is that people would think you are brave from getting, all except for Dorthy G.(pg 21 and 35) One of the disadvantages is that you can barley lift your arm up above your shoulder. (pg 36)

  9. Gabe 1.l

    one advantage of the treatmeant is you can show off your bruise like in page33. A disadvantage of the treatmeant is you can't lift your arm for a couple of days like in page34.

  10. Kamy 5L
    There are 2 disadvantages is that your arm will be so sore you can barly lift it and sooner or later the bruise will disapper. 2 advantages are you get to show it off,(pg. # 33.) The seconed one is People will think you're brave pg. #33 and 34.

  11. Sean Stanek #24L

    I think one of the good things about the treatment are that people would respect you pg 21. They would think that you are brave. Some of the bad things about the treatment are that you would have to deal with the pain.

  12. An advantage is that you will fell very manly and i think you people will respect you. On pg.24it said if you scream you will get an extra punch so that is a pretty bad defect of the treatment. also the initial pain will hurt so bad that you want to scream, but you cant scream about it.

  13. The advantages of having the treatment is that you could prabably think your strong and you will have something to show of to your friends.Also if you scream on the treatment you will get two more punches (pg. 24).When you get the treatment you will want to scream but you dont want 2 more punches so you try to shut your little mouth so you don't get 2 more punches.

    I think the advantages of having the treatment are that you get to go around and show everybody how 'brave' you were. I think the disadvantages of the treatment are that it hurts alot.

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