Monday, November 15, 2010

In His Shoes

Reading Assignment for May 16th-20th: Ch. 23-29

If you were in Palmer's shoes, do you think you would want to be in that town? Why? or Why not?
So if you cared for a pigeon how he does, do you think you could still wring it?

Your comment should include:

First Name and Student #

- A shared inquiry response that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Evidence from the book.


  1. Cassidy 27A
    No, I would not like to live in Palmer's town. I wouldn't because I think Bean's gang is just too mischievous for me. I would feel very guilty with all of the bullying on Fish Face. I also wouldn't like the town because in the book the narrator described that there were no pigeons. I live on a farm, I can't even imagine living with out the feathery loud pigeons.

    No, I would never have the courage to wring those beautiful creature's necks. I wouldn't dare to even harm them. The pigeon's voice is unbearable and so are their colors. Besides, it's not like they did anything to you. Finally, wouldn't you feel guilty or sad if you looked up
    in the sky and noticed that there were fewer pigeons? I would. That's how I feel.

  2. Eric #25A

    No, I would not want to live in that town because I don't hate pigeons and there is no reason to kill pigeons that are living and didn't do any harm to you or anyone. Also I would not want to live in a town with mean kids like Beans and Farquar.

    I would not be able to still wring a pigeon because I don't really feel good about killing an animal and watching it suffer until it dies because they didn't do anything so why would you do it in the first place.

  3. Francine #26A

    No, I agree with Eric and Cassidy because in that town everybody pushes you to wring a pigeon and I don't want to be forced to do something that I don't want to do. Also, I don't want to harm the pigeons because they never did anything bad to me. Another reason is, because Beans' gang is a bad choice for me to join and if I stay there I'll be tempted to do wrong things.

    Again, I agree with Eric and Cassidy because I would still not be able to wring a pigeon because I treated it so well like for example, I feed it, played with it and kept it in a safe place from Beans. I would be so attached to it and I don't want the pigeon to suffer.

  4. Nicolas #14A

    Well personally for me, and I think anyone else, it would depend on the situation. Now think that you grew up in that town and wringing was a strong tradition. Or if I had been raised being told that it was what I was supposed to do, had grown up in that town, and it was just an annual part of life I do think that I would have no problem a wringing a birds neck. This is not certain though. But if someone just told me too kill a pigeon right now being raised the was I was I do not think that I could bring myself to do it.

    Palmer is considered a very weird kid and I myself believe that the author described him as being an oddball. Even after being raised knowing that he was going to be a wringer. And being raised in that town with the philosophy that it was right to kill pigeons, (for a reason). He knew that it was wrong.

  5. roy #16a

    i would not want to be in that town because pigeons are not pests and what do they do to us. Pigeons clean up garbage by eating it.i would also not want to be in that town because i think pigeons should be free to do whatever thay want to do.

    i do not think i could wring the pigeon because he is like a pet best friend. i would also not want to wring it because i dont care if pigeons romed free around town the thing is they are living creatures like humans.

  6. Miranda H#10A
    I agree with everyone they really do push you to be a wringer even when you hate killing things. If I lived there first I wuold stand up for myself then leave even without my mom or dad I would never look back ever. If you truely love something you wouldn't hurt it physicaly. You might yell enery once in a while I do that but only when Shank or Buddy sre being bad like biting too hard or fighting with eachother. I wish that one one of the piegon day's the piegon's take the guns from the people and start shooting them. I mean the piegon's are just as importatn to the world as we are. Going back to the piegon's shooting people they are really just doing what the humans were doing which is shooting them for NOOOO REASON!!!! So they need to stop!!

  7. Trevor 23a

    No i would not want to live in his town. I agree with Cassidy because I wouldn't want to be in the gang because if Dorothy was my friend i wouldn't want to heart her feelings. Also I it's rude going around and just treesntumping people. I don't to be pushed to be a wringer or be one at all. Most importantly I don't need the painful treatment.

    If I cared for a pigeon i would take care of it like my dog. I would be like Palmer and only telling people I can trust like Dorothy not the gang. Even know they are doing it to help clean up the park it's plain rude. It's not like you can talk to a pigeon how do you know if the birds are on miserable they could be having a great life until you wring it. So no I wouldn't wring it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. I wouldn't want to live in Palmers town because of the treatment the treatment. I wouldn’t like to get punched as many times as you turn for your birthday by Farquar. I also wouldn't want to live in his town because of the wringing, I wouldn't want to wring a pigeon. Finally I wouldn’t want to be in this town because it would be very scary to hear the gun shots and the pigeons falling to the ground.

    2. If I had a pigeon I would not want to wring it. If I wrung It, I would be very sad because I would miss the bird. I also wouldn't wring it because some pigeons can very beautiful and colorful. Finally I wouldn’t want to kill a harmless animal.

  10. Calli G. 15L
    I would not want to be in the town. It sounds like a bad place. I would move. Your killing birds. How rude!!!
    I would not be able to Wring it. I could never ever kill an animal. Its just so sad that people do that.

  11. Sean Stanek #24L

    1. No, I wouldn't like to live in Palmer's town, because of the treatment (pg 21). Especially because of Farquar. He does the treatment the worst. Plus as you get older you are going to get more punches on the arm.

    2. If i cared for the pigeon, like Palmer, I would not wring it. I wouldn't because it would make me sad. Plus I wouldn't have the guts to do it.

  12. Zach B. #6L

    1. No I would not live in Palmer's town because like Sean said "I would not like the treatment on pg.21"Also I wouldn't want to be called snots or be a part of a gang.

    2.If I cared for a pigeon as much as Palmer does I would not even think about wringing it because I would never want to kill the animal .I would never built up the guts to kill some thing

  13. Kaj Call#7L

    1. No,I would not want to live in Palmer's town because on pg 21, you have the treatment and I definitely wouldn't like that because you get punched in the arm for how old years you are. And I also wouldn't like it because they kill pigeons and they kill them for no reason, and just wring their necks and torture them.

    2. No, I wouldn't really like to live in a town that wrings pigions. I mean, I don't really have the guts to kill anything, and plus, I don't really want to kill anything because you should treat animals or pigeons as pets, not punching bags.

  14. Arianna Fiandaca #13L

    1. No, I would not want to live in Palmer's town. Everybody just seems mean there.

    2. No, I would never ever ever ever want to live in a towmn that wrings pigeons. I would never have the guts to kill something, much less for fun.

  15. I would not want to be in Palmers shoes because like Arianna said everyone seems mean. Also because they kill pigeons and they are harmful.

  16. Kamy # 5L

    1. I would not want to live in Palme's town. Because Bean makes fun of Dorothy because she is younger and a girl. I'm a girl so he will probably make fun of me.

    2. If I would take care of Nipper like Palmer did, I wouldn't have the guts to kill or wring it. I couldn't have guts to kill an animal. Not even for a google dollars!!!!!
