Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Character Development

Reading Assignment for Apr. 25th-29th: Ch. 1-8

Describe at least 1 character from the story, using evidence from the story to support your answer.

Your comment should include:

First Name and Student #

- A shared inquiry response that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.


  1. Cassidy #27

    Palmer is a boy who gets very exited on a lot of things. He does because on page 8 when he unwrapped his trashy presents. Would you want to get an apple core,a crusty, a holey, a sock that used to be white, and an ancient cigar butt? I wouldn't either. His presents were only wrapped in newspaper! Palmer is also not that greedy or selfish because he didn't care when Beans blew out his birthday candles! I would have gotten mad.Thats what I think Palmer is like.

  2. Francine #26A

    I think Palmer is a boy that looks forward to many things but 1- being a "wringer" because on page 3-5 he is pressured to wring a pigeon's head off of it's body. I also agree with Cassidy because once he opened his trashy, horrible presents, he didn't mind it (on page 8). Palmer doesn't get mad quickly and he isn't rude or selfish because when Beans blew out his birthday candles he didn't care because he just went along with it. Out of the 6 traits, I think Palmer is mostly caring.

  3. Geoffrey #15A

    Bean is the head boss of the block. He doesn't seem to be a a very nice person. I think he acts like a jerk because he does rude things at Palmer's party. One of the things he does is he gives Palmer a weird present for his birthday. Bean gives Palmer a cigar butt. He also puts his finger in the chocolate cake and blows out the candles before Palmer could think of a wish.

  4. Palmer is a boy. He is the main character. Palmer family tradition is to be a wringer but he does not want to be one. Palmer has a birthday party and invite his friends over. With the soccer ball one of the toys he got for his birthday they went to the soccer fields in the park. So that is what i read so far.

  5. Miranda H#10A

    Palmer is a boy who just turned nine and is dreading the day he turns ten. He is dreading this day because that is the day he'll become a wringer. A wringer in some one who snaps piegons necks. For his birthday he invited Beans, Mutto, and Tyler. They all got him weird presents. His mom got him a soccer ball taht one was his favorite.Then Beans kicked the soccer ball to the park and Palmer really hates the park. He hates the park because that's where the wringing happens. I would hate to be a wringer because I love animals. So I feel for Palmer.

  6. Mirand H#10A
    Sorry the word that is spelled like this= tath is suposed to be this= that. Soryy

  7. Eric #25A

    Beans is the leader of all the young kids on the street. Beans is bossy, mean, and causes trouble. For example, he demanded Palmer to tell him where Fishface's house was and he placed the bag of mud and sticks on her doorstep. Also, he blew out Palmer's birthday candles, gave Palmer a cigar butt as a present, and he kept sneaking upstairs when Palmer's mom didn't want him to be up there. That's why I think he is an interesting character.

  8. Michael #9A
    I chose Palmer because he's a major character. I also thought it was interesting when he said, "I think he deserved better for being nice." This information found on page 8, made me think to myself that if this happen to me I would be angry and feel that nobody cares about me either. Lastly, I also agree with Francine and Cassidy about Palmer and being greedy. I do not think that he is too greedy because he doesn't ask for much. Who really wants a cigar butt, socks, an apple, or a coke?

  9. Nicolas #14A

    Beans is the boss of the neighborhood. The otherwise known wring leader of what is considered to be the coolest group. On Palmer's birthday he invited Beans and the crew over. This crew consisted of: Beans, Mutto, and Henry. Palmer was hoping to be apart of this crew as well. Nobody really know the nicknames' meanings or why they are that name. The reason nobody knows these things are because Beans makes them up. For no apparent reason during Palmer's party he was placed with the name "Snots." When Palmer got "the treatment" it says that Beans was smiling from ear to ear. His teeth a yellow brown color, for it says that he had never brushed his teeth. I chose to do this short essay about Beans because I feel like he is an important minor role.

  10. Roy #16a
    Farquar is like the bully of the treat. He gives kids the treatment when they turn 9. The treatment is when you curl your hand into a fist and then you stick your middle finger nuckle out. After you do that you punch a kid 9 times on the arm. Farquar is also a wringer.So that is why I chose to talk about Farquar.

  11. Miranda #10A
    Palmer just turned nine and is at the park. Then Farquar comes and gives him the treatment. The treatment goes like this: Frist he fins a spot in between the shoulder an elbow. Then spits on his finger and put it in the dirt and makes mud. He then makesa line where the spot is. Then pocks his knuckle out and punches you there how ever old you are. So palmer got nine punches on the arm.

  12. ZACH #6L

    Farquar is one of the bullies in chapters 5-8 he gives Palmer(one of the main characters) the treatment. The treatment is where you get punched really hard on your arm.You get on punch for each year so Farquar punched Palmer on the arm 9 times by Farquar.

  13. Sean Stanek 24L

    I chose Beans. Beans is a bully. He pushes people around and makes fun of them. Like when he came up with the nickname snots for Palmer. He also has some other friends like Mutto and Henry, who are just like Beans, bullies.

  14. Diego 16l

    The person I choose is Palmer. He has just turned 9 and he invited his friends to his house for some cake and ice cream, but his friends Beans, Mutto, and Henry thought it was a real party ( pg. 11 ). Palmer is also afraid of getting 9 punches on his shoulder because when it's your birthday Farquar comes and puches ( pg. 20-25) Palmer is scared of this farquar because of the special treatment he gives birthday boy and girls, he is also the legendary Wringer . He is also afraid that when it is time he has to wring a pigion which he does not want to do because he does not want to kill it.

  15. Abby 22L
    The pearson I chose is Palmer's mom. When Palmer and his friends were at Palmer's house. She did not agree. That means that palmer's mom did not is a very stricked mother. Also, she does not deal with silliness. Lastly she is very caring for who she lives with.

  16. Calli G. 15L

    The character I am describing is Palmer. Is medium size and is nice. So nice he won't even make fun of Dorthy ( Fish Face) Even If his friends do it. I have evadence that Palmer is sweet on Page # 12.
